[Language type]
SSConfig_display1_sectiondesc=Set the Shadowsocks parameter, SS default DNS port 8053, transparent proxy port 1090, 1091, if you install other services, please make sure not to conflict with these 3 ports.
SSConfig_ServerIP_itemname=server address
SSConfig_ServerIP_itemdesc=This is the server IP of your Shadowsocks service provider. Please contact your service provider for this IP.
SSConfig_ServerPort_itemname=Server port
SSConfig_ServerPort_itemdesc=This is the server port of your Shadowsocks service provider. Please contact your service provider for this port.
SSConfig_LocalPort_itemname=Local proxy port
SSConfig_LocalPort_itemdesc=This is the Shadowsocks local service port on the route and generally does not need to be modified.
SSConfig_Key_itemname=Server password
SSConfig_Key_itemdesc=This is the service password for your S hadowsocks service provider.
SSConfig_Method_itemdesc=This depends on the encryption method preset by your Shadowsocks server. If it is misconfigured, it will not work properly.
SSConfig_DNS_Mode=DNS service mode
SSConfig_DNS_Mode_itemdesc=Choosing the way to resist DNS poisoning, the best mode is to use the SS port to forward DNS requests, but most SS service providers do not provide this mode. If you are a self-built SS server, this is the most efficient mode, using OpenDNS. It is also acceptable for SS service providers with servers in North America.
SSConfig_DNS_Auto=automatic detection
SSConfig_DNS_SS=UDP forwarding using SS
SSConfig_DNS_OpenDNS=Use OpenDNS
SSConfig_GFWList=Get the URL of GFWList
SSConfig_ss_upd_rules_itemdesc=Set a single IP or port number: 1 single IP [xxxx] multiple IP [,] 2 port number mode [ --dport 29000:31000] 3 network segment mode [ 】You can also bring the port number later (you can find the online subnet mask tool to calculate). [Leave blank] for all forwarding, to avoid dns failure, all 53 port UDP is not forwarded.
ext_dnspod_enable=Whether to enable DNSPOD's dynamic domain name service
ext_dnspod_display1_sectiondesc=DNSPOD dynamic domain name requires you to own a top-level domain name, so you can set your favorite dynamic domain name. Before using, please add an A record to the DNSPOD domain name management. The IP is free to fill in. When the service starts, it will automatically Update IP.
WLANConfig11b_Channel_itemonssid=Superior SSID:
PPP_AdaptiveLCP_echo=Do not send lcp-echo(off)
NFilterNatLoop=NAT Loopback
Runscript0=Custom script 0 (functional configuration):
Runscript1=Custom script 1:
Runscript2=Custom script 2:
Runscript3=Custom script 3:
RunFastDick=Thunder fast bird script
Runrules=Adbyby custom filtering rules:
Runcrontabs=Custom Crontab Timed Task Configuration:
SwitchGreenEth=energy saving
SwitchEEE=Energy Efficient Ethernet (802.3az)
menu5_13=Extended function settings
menu5_2_6=Network wake up
menu5_13_1=Shadowsocks settings
PPPConnection_x_AdditionalOptions_itsxplugin=Flash dialing plugin (plugin sxplugin.so)
PPPConnection_x_HostNameForISP_itemvci=Vendor identifier:
PASS_LANG=Select WebUI Language:
VPN_PPTP_Passthrough=PPTP Passthrough?
VPN_L2TP_Passthrough=L2TP Passthrough?
VPN_IPSec_Passthrough=IPSec Passthrough?
vpn_passthrough_itemname=VPN Passthrough
vpn_passthrough_desc=Enable VPN Passthrough to allow a VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection to passthrough the router to the network clients.
enable_noaccount_alert=If you try to share the files in your USB Disk without creating a shared account via AiDisk, problems will occur to the Samba Server.
wireless_router=Wireless Router
OP_switch_button_hint1=The operation mode switch is located at the bottom panel of the ZVMODELVZ.
OP_switch_button_hint2=Click here to view
OP_GW_item=Wireless Router Mode (Default)
OP_GW_desc1=ZVMODELVZ connects to the Internet via IPoE/PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP protocol and provides Internet sharing for Wired/Wireless clients.
OP_GW_desc2=In this mode, NAT, Firewall, UPnP, DHCP Server are available and enabled by default.
OP_AP_item=Access Point Mode (AP)
OP_AP_desc1=ZVMODELVZ connects to external Wired/Wireless router to establish Wireless signal sharing.
OP_AP_desc2=In this mode, NAT, Firewall and UPnP services are unavailable. The WAN port is direct connected to LAN ports.
OP_WirelessClient=Wireless Client
OP_WirelessSignal=Existing Wireless Signal
IP6_proto=IPv6 Protocol
IP6_desc=Configure the IPv6 Internet Settings
IP6_hint=IPv6 protocol not supported on current firmware build!
IP6_hint_addr=is not valid IPv6 Address!
IP6_SVC=IPv6 Connection Type:
IP6_SIT_desc=Tunnel IPv6-IPv4 Setting (SIT)
IP6_SIT_6in4R=6in4 Remote Endpoint (IPv4):
IP6_SIT_6to4R=6to4 Anycast Relay (IPv4):
IP6_SIT_6rdR=6rd Border Relay (IPv4):
IP6_SIT_6rdM=6rd IPv4 Mask Length:
IP6_WAN_IF=Select WAN Interface for IPv6:
IP6_WAN_PPE=Hardware Offload Routing IPv6:
IP6_WAN_desc=WAN IPv6 Settings
IP6_6RD_DHCP=Get All 6rd Settings via DHCPv4?
IP6_WAN_DHCP=Get WAN IPv6 Address From Source:
IP6_WAN_Priv=Enable Privacy Extensions (RFC 4941)?
IP6_WAN_Both=From both sources
IP6_6RD_Addr=6rd IPv6 Prefix:
IP6_WAN_Addr=WAN IPv6 Address:
IP6_6RD_Pref=6rd Prefix Length:
IP6_WAN_Pref=WAN IPv6 Prefix Length:
IP6_WAN_Gate=WAN IPv6 Default Gateway:
IP6_DNS_desc=WAN DNSv6 Settings
IP6_DNS_Auto=Get DNSv6 Servers Automatically?
IP6_DNS_Addr=DNSv6 Server
IP6_LAN_desc=LAN IPv6 Settings
IP6_LAN_Auto=Get LAN IPv6 Address via DHCPv6 IA-PD?
IP6_LAN_Addr=LAN IPv6 Address:
IP6_LAN_Pref=LAN IPv6 Prefix Length:
IP6_LAN_RAdv=Enable LAN Router Advertisement?
IP6_LAN_DHCP=Enable LAN DHCPv6 Server?
IP6_LAN_Pool=Stateful LAN IPv6 Pool:
IP6_Addr=IPv6 Address
IP4_Addr=IPv4 Address
SI_LoadAvg=Load Avg:
SI_LoadCPU=CPU Load:
SI_FreeMem=Memory Free:
HSTOCK_Bandwidth=Bandwidth (Mbps)
MAN_PPPoE=PPPoE & MAN access:
Enable_NAT=Enable NAT?
UPnP_Enable=Enable IGD UPnP?
UPnP_Proto=Support Protocols:
UPnP_Secure=Restrict forwarding rules only to their IP?
UPnP_EPorts=Allow External Port Range:
UPnP_IPorts=Allow Internal Port Range:
UPnP_Clean_Int=Autoclean Rules Interval (sec):
UPnP_Clean_Min=Minimal Rules Before Autoclean:
VSAuto=Auto Port Forwarding (UPnP)
VSManual=Manual Port Forwarding
WIFIMacDesc=Wireless Client Description:
WIFIRegionCode=Region Code:
WIFIStreamTX=HT Spatial Streams TX:
WIFIStreamRX=HT Spatial Streams RX:
WIFIGreenAP=Enable Energy Saving Green AP?
WIFILDPC=Enable LDPC Codes Support?
WIFIRDG=Enable Reverse Direction Grant (RDG)?
WIFIAutoBA=Enable Auto Block Acknowledgment (AutoBA)?
WIFIVgaClamp=Clamp RX Gain to Reduce Impact Interference:
WIFIGuestEnable=Enable Guest AP?
WIFIGuestDate=Date to Active Guest AP (Workweek):
WIFIGuestTime=Time of Day to Active Guest AP (Workweek):
WIFIGuestDate2=Date to Active Guest AP (Weekend):
WIFIGuestTime2=Time of Day to Active Guest AP (Weekend):
WIFIGuestMAC=Use MAC Address Filter Rules?
WIFIGuestIsolate=Isolation between Guest AP and Main AP?
WIFIGuestIsoLAN=Isolation between Guest AP and LAN?
WIFIGuestMCS=Fixed TX Rate Link Mode:
SATA_Storage=SATA Storage
SATA_Empty=No Connected Devices
USB_Devices=USB Devices
USB_Storage=USB Storage
USB_Modem=USB Modem
USB_Printer=USB Printer
USB_Modem_remove_confirm=Do you want to remove this USB Modem and Switch to wired WAN?
USB_Modem_unused=Modem is not used for WAN
USB_Hub_Empty=No connected compatible devices
WAN_Uptime=Session Uptime:
WAN_Bytes=Traffic During The Session:
WAN_BRate=Current Data Rate:
WAN_Lease=DHCP Lease Expires After:
WOL_MAC=Target Host MAC Address:
COM_Port_Node=Select Interface:
COM_User_AT=Custom AT-command:
ModemType=Modem Type:
ModemNets=Preferred Network:
ModemZCD=ZeroCD Switching Method:
ModemPrio=Internet Source Priority:
ModemPrioItem0=Broadband WAN or WISP, always
ModemPrioItem1=USB Modem, always
ModemPrioItem2=USB Modem, if no WAN link
ModemBase=USB Modem Base Settings
ModemAdv=USB Modem Advanced Settings
InetControl=Connection Control:
InetStateWISP=Wireless Connection to AP:
InetState1=Ethernet cable is not attached
InetState2=No connection to WISP AP
InetState3=No connection to cellular BS
InetState4=Network interface is not ready
InetState5=Obtaining IP address...
InetState6=Waiting for PPP client connection...
InetState7=PPP connection is not active
InetState8=Default Gateway is not set
InetState9=WAN subnet conflicts with LAN subnet!
WdsDesc0=Bridge function allow your ZVMODELVZ to connect to an access point wirelessly.
WdsDesc1=To ensure the WDS bridge connection, please set the same channel and security authentication method between bridge's AP.
WdsDesc2=WDS bridge is not support [WPA-Auto-Personal], [WPA/WPA2 Enterprise] and [RADIUS] security authentication methods.
WdsDesc3=WDS bridge is guarantee works only with AP based on Ralink/MediaTek hardware.
WdsDesc4=To ensure the AP-Client connection, please set the same channel with remote AP.
WdsDesc5=AP-Client performs MAC-addresses translation through our MAC (MAT feature).
WdsDesc6=AP-Client can be designated to WAN interface role (WISP feature).
WdsMode0=AP (bridge is disabled)
WdsMode1=WDS bridge (AP is disabled)
WdsMode2=WDS repeater (bridge + AP)
WdsMode3=AP-Client (AP is disabled)
WdsMode4=AP-Client + AP
WdsLazy=Autoconnect to WDS peer
APCliRole=Wireless AP-Client Role:
APChnAbove=Above (+4)
APChnBelow=Below (-4)
IPConnection_VSList_ftpport=FTP Server Port:
Commit_confirm=Save Settings (NVRAM) Permanently?
Storage_upload_itemname=Restore Storage from a Backup file:
Storage_upload_itemdesc=Specify the path and name of Storage backup file. Then click [Upload] to write the file to router.
Adm_Setting_nvram=Router Settings (NVRAM)
Adm_Setting_store=Router Internal Storage (/etc/storage)
Adm_Setting_store_backup=Storage Backup:
Adm_Setting_store_hint=All files in the Storage are deleted and will be restored to default.\n
Adm_Setting_store_stats=Save Network Traffic History to Internal Storage?
Adm_Setting_store_stats_item1=Yes, w/o commit to flash
Adm_Setting_store_stats_item2=Auto-commit every month
Adm_Setting_store_stats_item3=Auto-commit every 2 weeks
Adm_Setting_store_stats_item4=Auto-commit every week
Adm_Setting_store_stats_item5=Auto-commit every 2 days
Adm_Setting_store_stats_item6=Auto-commit every day
Adm_Setting_store_stats_item7=Auto-commit every 12h
Adm_Setting_store_stime=Save Current System Time to Internal Storage?
Adm_Setting_store_now=Commit Internal Storage to Flash Memory Now:
Adm_Setting_commit_mode=NVRAM to Flash Memory Committing Mode:
Adm_Setting_commit_item0=Always after changes
Adm_Setting_commit_item1=Manual only
Adm_Setting_commit_now=Commit NVRAM Content to Flash Memory Now:
Adm_Setting_rwfs=Custom User R/W Partition on NAND Flash
Adm_Setting_rwfs_mount=Filesystem Mounted to R/W Partition:
Adm_System_desc=Base administration control.
Adm_System_ident=System Identification
Adm_System_admin=Administrator Login:
Adm_System_help=Enable Context Help?
Adm_System_logf=Enable Syslog Floating Toolbar?
Adm_System_logf_item2=Last 100 lines
Adm_System_zram=Enable ZRAM?
Adm_Svc_desc=Control of various system services.
Adm_Svc_wins=WINS Service?
Adm_Svc_napt66=Enable napt66?(After reboot)
Adm_Svc_tor=TOR proxy anonymizer?
Adm_Svc_privoxy=Privoxy filtering proxy?
Adm_Svc_dnscrypt=DNSCrypt proxy?
Adm_Svc_dnscrypt_desc=DNS traffic encryption and authentification. Prevents DNS spoofing. Compatible with DNSSEC.
To enable DNSSEC for supported resolvers, add 'proxy-dnssec' option in Custom Configuration File 'dnsmasq.conf'.
Adm_Svc_dnscrypt_ipaddr=Local IP address:
Adm_Svc_dnscrypt_port=Local port:
Adm_Svc_dnscrypt_force_dns=Redirect all DNS queries to DNSCrypt?
Adm_Svc_dnscrypt_force_dns_desc=Forcefully redirects all DNS queries to DNSCrypt. Prevents using of non-default DNS resolvers by some LAN clients applications.
Adm_Svc_dnscrypt_options=Additional options:
Adm_Svc_dnscrypt_options_desc=To get a list of all available options, execute dnscrypt-proxy with the '--help' param, or refer to the user manual.
Adm_Svc_dnscrypt_all=All IP addresses
Adm_Svc_lltd=LLTD (Link Layer Topology Discovery)?
Adm_Svc_adsc=ASUS Info Discovery Service?
Adm_Svc_crond=Cron Daemon (Scheduler)?
Adm_Svc_crontabs=Scheduler tasks (Crontab)
Adm_System_webs=HTTP Web Server
Adm_System_term=Terminal Services
Adm_System_anon=Anonymity and content filtering
Adm_System_misc=Miscellaneous Services
Adm_System_telnetd=Enable Telnet Server?
Adm_System_sshd=Enable SSH Server?
Adm_System_sshd_acfp=Allow SSH GatewayPorts?
Adm_System_sshd_gp=Allow SSH GatewayPorts?
Adm_System_sshd_wopen=Access SSH Server from WAN?
Adm_System_sshd_wport=SSH Server Port from WAN:
Adm_System_sshd_wbfp=SSH Server Brute Force Protection:
Adm_System_sshd_keys=SSH Public Authorization Keys
Adm_System_ftpd_wopen=Access FTP Server from WAN?
Adm_System_ftpd_wport=FTP Server Port from WAN:
Adm_System_trmd_ropen=Access to Transmission RPC from WAN?
Adm_System_aria_ropen=Access to Aria2 RPC from WAN?
Adm_System_http_access=Restricting Web Access from LAN:
Adm_System_http_proto=Web Server Protocol:
Adm_System_http_lport=Port of Web Access from LAN:
Adm_System_https_lport=Port of HTTPS Web Access from LAN:
Adm_System_https_clist=List of Allowed SSL Ciphers for HTTPS:
Adm_System_https_wopen=Enable HTTPS Web Access from WAN?
Adm_System_https_wport=Port of HTTPS Web Access from WAN:
Adm_System_https_certs=Web Server HTTPS Certificates
Adm_System_https_query=Are you sure you want to create new certificates for HTTPS server?\n\nNote:\n- Old certificates will be overwritten.
Adm_System_udpxy_wopen=Access to UDP-HTTP Proxy (udpxy) from WAN?
Adm_System_udpxy_wport=UDP-HTTP Proxy (udpxy) Port from WAN:
Adm_System_ntpp=NTP Synchronization Period:
Adm_Access_WAN=Access to Router Services from WAN
LAN_STP=Enable Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)?
MAC_BlockHost=Block Access to Router Host?
MAC_Time=Time Interval:
MAC_Days=Days of the Week:
ISP_Authentication_host=Authentication Server IP:
PPP_L2TPD=L2TP Client Daemon:
PPP_AdaptiveLCP=Adaptive LCP Echo Interval:
PPP_DefaultGW=Use Default Gateway from VPN Tunnel?
WAN_MAN_desc=MAN IP Settings
WAN_MAN_DHCP=Get the MAN IP Automatically?
WAN_Poller=ARP Ping Alive of Remote Gateway?
WAN_Source=WAN Cable is Attached to Port:
WAN_Bridge=Ports Isolation and VLAN Filtering
WAN_FilterVLAN=VLAN Tagged Traffic Filter?
WAN_TTL_Fix=Don't Decrement the TTL after Routing:
WAN_TTL_Item0=No, Always Decremented
WAN_TTL_Item1=For All Packets
WAN_TTL_Item2=For Multicast IPTV Packets
WAN_TTL_Value=TTL Value
DDNS_URL=URL path for update:
DDNS_Second=Second DDNS Service
DDNS_Common=Common DDNS Settings
DDNS_SSL=Use Secure HTTPS Connection?
DDNS_Source=My Internet IPv4 Address Source:
DDNS_AddrExt=Autodetect External IP
DDNS_AddrWAN=Address from WAN Interface
DDNS_AddrMAN=Address from MAN Interface
DDNS_CheckIP=Server to Autodetect External IP:
DDNS_CheckIP_item0=Use default (from profile)
DDNS_Period=DDNS Update Period:
DDNS_Forced=DDNS Forced Update Period:
DDNS_Verbose=Syslog Verbose Level:
DHCP_Verbose=DHCP Server Verbose:
STB_Isolation=IPTV STB Port(s) Isolation:
STB_IsolationItem1=Isolation between Router CPU Port
STB_IsolationItem2=Isolation between WAN Bridge Ports
FirewallConfigSynFlood=Prevent SYN Flood Attack?
NFilter_desc=Main Linux Netfilter framework configuration.
NFilterConfig=Netfilter Settings
NFilterMaxConn=Maximum Connections:
NFilterNatType=NAT Type (UDP only):
NFilterALG=Application-Level Gateway (ALG)
HardwareNAT=Hardware Offload NAT/Routing IPv4:
WAN_SFE=Enable shortcut-fe?
VPNS_Desc=VPN Server
VPNS_Info=VPN Server allows secure access from the Internet to the LAN subnet or extends a private LAN subnets across the Internet (Site-to-Site).
VPNS_Enable=Enable VPN Server?
VPNS_Base=Server Settings
VPNS_Type=VPN Server Protocol:
VPNS_Auth=Authentication Algorithm:
VPNS_Ciph=Encryption Cipher Algorithm:
VPNS_Cast=Broadcast Traffic Relay:
VPNS_VUse=Allocate Subnet for VPN Tunnel?
VPNS_VUse_Item0=No (use LAN subnet)
VPNS_VUse_Item1=Yes, using routing
VPNS_VUse_Item2=Yes, using NAT to LAN
VPNS_VNet=Network to Use for the Tunnel:
VPNS_ACtl=Allow VPN Clients Access to:
VPNS_ACtl_Item0=Full access
VPNS_ACtl_Item1=LAN & Internet
VPNS_ACtl_Item2=LAN & router host
VPNS_ACtl_Item3=LAN only
VPNS_ACtl_Item4=Internet only
VPNS_CTun=VPN Tunnel Settings
VPNS_PInfo=VPN Addressing
VPNS_VAddr=VPN Server IP Address:
VPNS_LPool=LAN DHCP Clients IP Pool:
VPNS_VPool=VPN Clients IP Pool:
VPNS_Accnt=Clients Accounts
VPNS_Accnt_Info1=To connect a VPN client to the PPTP/L2TP server each client must have an account with username and password. The use of a static IP is not recommended.
VPNS_Accnt_Info2=To connect a VPN client to the OpenVPN server client must have account with username and password only to access the LAN network behind the client router (Site-to-Site).
VPNS_Accnt_Info3=The client's certificate Common Name (CN) must match the account username. Every client must have a static IP.
VPNS_Accnt_Info4=If a VPN client is a router, to access it's LAN network (Site-to-Site) this network must be added to the client account.
VPNS_FixIP=Static IP:
VPNS_RNet=LAN Subnet behind VPN Client:
VPNS_RNet_itemdesc=If a LAN Subnet exists on the client side of the VPN, enter it here to enable routing from the VPN server to client.
VPNS_Query=Are you sure you want to create certificates for OpenVPN server?\n\nNote:\n- Old certificates will be overwritten.\n- Diffie-Hellman file creation may take a long time (up to 10 minutes).
VPNS_Export=Export client.ovpn
VPNC_Desc=VPN Client
VPNC_Info=Static VPN Client extends a private LAN subnets across the Internet (Site-to-Site).
VPNC_Enable=Enable VPN Client?
VPNC_Base=VPN Client Settings
VPNC_Type=VPN Client Protocol:
VPNC_Peer=Remote VPN Server (IP or DNS host):
VPNC_VPNS=Settings Depending on Remote VPN Server Role
VPNC_PDNS=Obtaining DNS from VPN Server:
VPNC_PDNS_Item1=Add to existing list
VPNC_PDNS_Item2=Replace all existing
VPNC_SFW=Restrict Access from VPN Server Site:
VPNC_SFW_Item0=No (Site-to-Site), using NAT translation
VPNC_SFW_Item1=Yes, block all connections (site is foreign)
VPNC_SFW_Item2=No (Site-to-Site), using routing only
VPNC_SFW_Item3=Yes, but follow Firewall & Port Forwarding rules
VPNC_DGW=Route All Traffic through the VPN interface?
VPNC_Route=Route to Remote LAN Subnet behind VPN Server
VPNC_RNet=Remote LAN Subnet/Mask:
OVPN_Mode=Encapsulation Layer:
OVPN_Topo=Topology for LAN Join:
OVPN_Topo1=Bridge (the same subnet)
OVPN_Topo2=NAT (different subnets)
OVPN_Auth=Authentication type:
OVPN_COMPRESS=Enable LZx for Data Compression:
OVPN_COMPRESS_Item1=No (but pull from server)
OVPN_COMPRESS_Item2=Yes, compress LZO
OVPN_COMPRESS_Item3=Yes, compress LZ4
OVPN_COMPRESS_Item4=Yes, compress LZ4-v2
OVPN_CLZO=Enable LZx for Data Compression:
OVPN_CLZO_Item1=No (but pull from server)
OVPN_CLZO_Item2=Yes, compress LZO
OVPN_CLZO_Item3=Yes, compress LZ4
OVPN_CLZO_Item4=Yes, compress LZ4-v2
OVPN_HMAC=HMAC Signature Check (TLS-Auth/TLS-Crypt)?
OVPN_HMAC_Item1=TLS-Auth (ta.key is required)
OVPN_HMAC_Item2=TLS-Crypt (ta.key is required)
OVPN_RdGw=Route All Client's Traffic through the VPN?
OVPN_Hint=SSL/TLS certificate(s) not found!
OVPN_User=OpenVPN Extended Configuration
OVPN_Cert=OpenVPN Certificates & Keys
StorageShare=Share Access Mode:
StorageShare1=Full access for everyone
StorageShare2=Access with account
StorageShare3=Anonymous only (Read Only)
StorageShare4=Access with account and anonymous
StorageShare5=Full access for everyone, root share
StorageAutoChkDsk=Auto Check Filesystem on Storage Plug-In?
StorageCacheReclaim=Automatic I/O RAM Caches Reclaim:
StorageSpindown=HDD Spindown Timeout:
StorageApmOff=HDD Disable APM (Head Parking)?
StorageU3Off=Disable USB3 Interface (USB2 only)?
StorageU3Desc=less 2.4GHz interference
StorageEnableDLNA=Enable UPnP/DLNA Media Server?
StorageNotifyDLNA=Notify Interval (sec):
StorageRootDLNA=Root Container for Client:
StorageSortDLNA=Force Sort Order for Client:
StorageSourceDLNA=Media Files Source Path:
StorageRescanDLNA=Rebuild Database Content on Start:
StorageRescanItem0=No rebuild
StorageRescanItem1=Append new media files
StorageRescanItem2=Force rebuild database
StorageLMB=Enable Master Browser:
StorageLog=Enable Output Events to Syslog?
StoragePasvPR=Ports Range for FTP Passive Mode:
StorageAnonMR=Anonymous Max Rate Limit (KiB/s):
StorageSMBFP=SMB Traffic Fastpath by skip Netfilter:
StorageSMBD=SMB Server (Windows Network Neighborhood)
StorageFTPD=FTP Server
StorageNFSD=NFS Server
StorageEnableNFSD=Enable NFS Server?
StorageAllowOptw=Allow Run Optware?
StorageFFly=iTunes Media Server (Firefly)
StorageEnableFFly=Enable iTunes Media Server?
StorageTorrent=Torrent Transmission
StorageTorrent_itemdesc=Please create directory [transmission] on the target partition before first start Transmission.
StorageEnableTRMD=Enable Transmission?
StoragePPortTRMD=Port for Incoming Peers:
StorageRPortTRMD=RPC Control Port:
StorageAria=Download manager Aria2
StorageAria_itemdesc=Please create directory [aria] on the target partition before first start Aria2.
StorageEnableAria=Enable Aria2?
Console_warn=Warning! Console emulator may be used only for commands which return result immediately. Commands such as [top], [ping], [traceroute], etc. will block the WebUI.
Scripts_desc=Flexible system configuration via Shell scripts that are called when certain events occur.
InetCheck_desc=Internet Detector monitors access to the Internet and allows to perform the required actions when the state of Internet access changes.
InetCheckMode=Internet Detector Poll Mode
InetCheckModeItem0=While WebUI is opened
InetCheckModeItem1=Continuous polling
InetCheckHosts=List of Internet Hosts for Check TCP Connection
InetCheckHostIP4=Remote Server Address and Port
InetCheckPoll=Internet Hosts Polling Settings
InetCheckPeriod=Poll Interval After Connection Success/Failed (s):
InetCheckTimeout=TCP Connection Timeout (s):
InetCheckEvents=Events when the State of Internet Access is Changed
InetCheckLostDelay=Delay Before Raise [Internet Lost] Event (s):
InetCheckLostAction=Perform Action on [Internet Lost] Event:
InetCheckReconPause=Pause Before Run New WAN Connection (s):
InetCheckLostItem0=No action
InetCheckLostItem1=Router reboot
InetCheckLostItem2=WAN reconnect
InetCheckLostItem3=Switch Ethernet WAN <=> USB Modem
Tweaks_desc=Customized button actions and LED events.
TweaksWPSAction=WPS Button Action
TweaksFN1Action=FN1 Button Action
TweaksFN2Action=FN2 Button Action
TweaksEventShort=Button Short Press (1 sec):
TweaksEventLong=Button Long Press (3 sec):
TweaksWPSItem00=No action
TweaksWPSItem01=Wi-Fi: radio activated/deactivated
TweaksWPSItem02=Wi-Fi: general enabled/disabled
TweaksWPSItem03=Wi-Fi: guest enabled/disabled
TweaksWPSItem10=USB: safe removal all devices
TweaksWPSItem11=USB: safe removal device from USB #1
TweaksWPSItem12=USB: safe removal device from USB #2
TweaksWPSItem14=LED: front LED show/hide
TweaksWPSItem20=WAN: disconnect
TweaksWPSItem21=WAN: reconnect
TweaksWPSItem22=WAN: connect/disconnect
TweaksWPSItem30=System: router reboot
TweaksWPSItem31=System: router shutdown
TweaksWPSItem32=System: run user script
TweaksWPSItem33=System: reset settings
TweaksLEDEvents=LED Events
TweaksLEDALL=Enable front LED?
TweaksLEDWAN=Front LED Internet:
TweaksLEDLAN=Front LED Ethernet:
TweaksLEDWIF=Front LED Wireless:
TweaksLEDPWR=Front LED Power:
TweaksLEDItem00=Ethernet link WAN
TweaksLEDItem01=Ethernet link LAN
TweaksLEDItem02=Ethernet link LAN/WAN
TweaksLEDItem03=Connection to ISP
TweaksLEDItem04=Internet detected
TweaksLEDItem05=USB storage is mounted
TweaksLEDItem06=USB devices presents
TweaksLEDItem07=USB devices activity
TweaksLEDItem09=Wireless radio ON, activity
TweaksLEDItem11=buttons events
TweaksLEDEth0=Ethernet Ports Green LED:
TweaksLEDEth1=Ethernet Ports Yellow LED:
TweaksWdg=Hardware Watchdog Timer:
TweaksWdg_item=(force reboot after crash)
TweaksWdg_desc=Hardware watchdog timer reboot system during 15 seconds on CPU hung or after system crashed.
CustomConf=Custom Configuration File
UserScripts=Custom User Scripts
RunPreStart=Run Before Router Initialized:
RunPostStart=Run After Router Started:
RunShutdown=Run Before Router Shutdown:
RunPostWAN=Run After WAN Up/Down Events:
RunPostFWL=Run After Firewall Rules Restarted:
RunEzBtns=Run On Press WPS/FN Ez-Buttons:
RunPostVPNS=Run the Script After VPN Client Connected/Disconnected:
RunPostVPNC=Run the Script After Connected/Disconnected to VPN Server:
RunInetState=Run the Script When the State of Internet Access is Changed:
PrinterPortU2E=Enable USB-over-Ethernet Port?
PrinterPortLPR=Enable TCP/IP LPR Port?
PrinterPortRAW=Enable TCP/IP RAW Port?
IPTV_desc=Multicast Routing and IPTV
IPTVBase=IPTV Translation Control
IPTVProxy=IPTV Proxy Servers
IPTVQLeave=Quick Leave to Upstream on Channel Change?
IPTVMulticast=Multicast Traffic
IPTVXUA=eXtensible UPnP agent (xUPNPd), Web Port:
IPTVXExt=Use External udpxy for xUPNPd?
IPTVIGMP=Force IGMP Protocol Version:
Switch_desc=Physical WAN and LAN Ethernet Ports configuration on internal switch.
SwitchBase=Base Settings
SwitchJumbo=Accept Jumbo Frames Between Ports:
SwitchUport=Upstream IGMP Router Port:
SwitchIgmp=Enable IGMP/MLD Snooping?
SwitchFlow=Flow Control:
SwitchLink=Speed and Duplex:
SwitchState=Ethernet Link State:
SwitchStorm=Network storm constraint on Ethernet Ports
USB_Application_account_alert=User's account cannot be [root], [Root], [ROOT], [admin], [Admin], [ADMIN], [family], [Family], [FAMILY]! Please enter a valid account.
BasicConfig_USBStorageWhiteist_itemdesc=The range for this field is hex 1 to FFFF. Enter 0 (zero) to disable this feature.
BasicConfig_USBStorageWhiteist_itemname=USB Storage Device VID White List
LANHostConfig_x_TimeZone_itemhint_2=The selected time zone setting is different from what the device has detected. Do you want change to the detected time zone?
RouterConfig_GWMulticast_Multicast_all_itemdesc=Enable this feature to control the network traffic and avoid a broadcast storm, which would result to a network slowdown or to an unusable network. The range for this field is 1 to 1000. Enter 0 (zero) to disable this feature.
RouterConfig_GWMulticast_unknownUni_itemname=Unknown Unicast Storm Control (Mbps):
RouterConfig_GWMulticast_unknownMul_itemname=Unknown Multicast Storm Control (Mbps):
RouterConfig_GWMulticast_Multicast_itemname=Multicast Storm Control (Mbps):
RouterConfig_GWMulticast_Broadcast_itemname=Broadcast Storm Control (Mbps):
JS_field_wanip_rule3=Please input the value between 1 - 2592000 (sec).
PrinterStatus_x_Monopoly_itemdesc=If your printer does not allow multi-user sharing support, click [Monopoly] mode on your router's user interface to manually set your printer to allow printer sharing. Do not do this when your printer is busy.
Switch_band=Switch Frequency
Current_band=Current Frequency
LANHostConfig_DomainName_itemdesc2=can only contain alphanumeric characters and the dash symbol.
RouterConfig_IPTV_itemname=UDP Multicast to HTTP Proxy Port
RHELP_desc9=Enter 0 (zero) to disable.
WLANConfig11b_TxPower_itemname=TX Power Adjustment (%):
WLANConfig11b_TxPower_itemdesc=Adjust antenna power to enhance the quality of trasmittion.
WLANConfig11b_KickStaRssiLow_itemdesc= auto disonnect sta if rssi low, default 0 (off)
WLANConfig11b_AssocReqRssiThres_itemdesc=reject assoc req due to weak signal, default 0 (off)
WLANConfig11b_Wireless_Speed_itemname_3=Uses 40 MHz coexistent bandwidth to maximize the wireless throughput. If you experience issues with wireless stability, please choose the default mode.
hwnat_desc=Enable Hardware Offload to offer Internet speed with maximum throughput over 900 Mbps when appropriately supported by you Internet Service Provider. But please note that enabling Hardware Offload may conflict with QoS/Shaper related functions.
Last30days=Last 30 Days
menu4_2=Traffic Monitor
menu4_2_1=Real Time
menu4_2_2=Last 24 Hours
switchpage=Switch Pages:
LAN_IP_changed_suggedtion1=The LAN IP of ZVMODELVZ is
LAN_IP_changed_suggedtion2=If you can't back setting page later, please renew IP configuration of your computer.
WLANConfig11b_x_WPSband_itemname=Current Band
WLANConfig11b_x_WPSband_itemdesc=Select an operating band (2.4GHz or 5GHz) before using the WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) function.
LANConfig_ChangedLANIP=The IP Address for your router has been changed. Please use the Device Discovery utility to search for your router's new IP Address.
BasicConfig_HWNAT_alert=The Hardware NAT function is in conflict with your router's current settings. Disable the Hardware NAT function from [Advanced Settings] / [WAN] / [Internet Connection] in the navigation menu.
BasicConfig_HWNAT_itemname=Enable HW NAT?
LANHostConfig_x_Password_itemdesc=Password cannot be greater than 32 characters.
CableStatus=Cable Status
HowToSharebyFTP5=Use an FTP Client application with UTF-8 support to display non-English characters such as Traditional or Simplified Chinese. Such FTP client application is Filezilla, in which you can modify character encoding in the Site Manager/Advanced option.
WLANConfig11n_band_steering=Enable Band Steering?
WLANConfig11n_mumimo=Enable MU-MIMO?
WLANConfig11n_txbf=Enable Transmit Beamforming?
WLANConfig11n_nmode_limition_hint=ZVMODELVZ will change WEP or TKIP encryption to AES in [n Only] mode to ensure that clients to get the proper connection.
WLANConfig11n_automode_limition_hint=Under [Mixed] mode with WEP or TKIP encryption, ZVMODELVZ supports the maximum transmission rate of 54 Mbps.
BM_desc_upload=EZQoS automatically detects your uplink speed to help you adjust your network bandwidth. If you can get the exact uplink speed through another way such as an online speed test, we recommend that you enter the speed value in advanced settings page
WhiteList=White List
BlackList=Black List
MSSID_profile=SSID Profile
mssid_network_access=Network Access
mssid_qos_priority=Bandwidth Priority
op_already_configured=ZVMODELVZ is already configured to this mode.
WLANConfig11n_PremblesType_itemname=Preamble Type:
WLANConfig11n_PremblesType_itemdesc=The Preamble Type defines the length of the CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) block, which is a technique for detecting data transmission errors among wireless devices. We recommend that you configure all wireless devices to the same preamble type. Use short preamble for wireless devices in high network traffic areas. Use long preamble for older wireless devices.
Layer3Forwarding_x_STB_itemdesc=Choose the LAN port to bridge to WAN port. If you have another device to connect to WAN but your ISP only provide one WAN link, you can specify some LAN port to receive packets from WAN port. For example, you can connect your IPTV Set-top box to the specified port and get the signal and IP Address from your ISP directly.
Port_format=For port range, you can either: a) enter a specific port, such as [95] or b) enter ports within a range, such as [103:315], [>100] or [<65535].
IP_format=For IP Address, you can: a) enter a specific IP Address, such as []; b) enter IP Addresses within one subnet or within the same IP pool, such as [192.168.123.*] or [192.168.*.*] or c) enter all IP Addresses as [*.*.*.*].
ShareNode_FTPLANG_itemdesc=Choose the correct language settings suitable for your file encoding.
FirewallConfig_DoSEnable_itemdesc=Allows you to enable or disable the DoS (Denial of Service) protection function.
ShareNode_Seeding_itemdesc=Allows you to enable or disable the seeding function. ZVMODELVZ remains open until downloading process is completed.
ShareNode_MaxUpload_itemname=Maximum Upload Rate
ShareNode_MaxUpload_itemdesc=Enter a value between 0 to 999. The default value is 0 (zero), which denotes that there is no upload limit.
HSDPAConfig_hsdpa_enable_hint1=After enabling USB Modem, your original WAN settings will be disabled.
HSDPAConfig_hsdpa_enable_hint2=If you want to change the connection type, please go to USB Modem to disable USB Adapter.
HSDPAConfig_USBAdapter_itemname=USB Adapter
HSDPAConfig_USBAdapter_itemdesc=After enabling USB Modem, select the adapter that ZVMODELVZ supports.
APSurvey_msg_connected=You already connected to this AP.
APSurvey_msg_connect_suggest1=We suggest you use Ethernet cable to connect to ZVMODELVZ for having stable configuration and better experience.
APSurvey_msg_connect_suggest2=Click [OK] to keep configuring. During setting process, your PC may occur disconnection and we cannot ensure ZVMODELVZ is connecting to remote AP.
APSurvey_msg_connect_suggest3=Click [Logout] to leave WebUI and use Ethernet cable to connect to ZVMODELVZ then login again.
APSurvey_action_search_again_hint1=Select another network
APSurvey_action_search_again_hint2=Change the network that ZVMODELVZ will connect to.
Browser_action_addfavorite_hint1=The ZVMODELVZ IP Address is changed to
Browser_action_addfavorite_hint2=Hence, we recommend that you add this URL to your Favorites list for quick access to the ZVMODELVZ.
Browser_action_addfavorite=Add to Favorites
Browser_action_not_support_addfavorite=Your browser does not support this function.
page_not_support_mode_hint=This function is disabled.
APSurvey_action_ConnectingStatus0=Connection failed. The network you are trying to connect to may not exist. Please select another network to connect to.
APSurvey_action_ConnectingStatus1=Connection failed. Please enter the security key again or click [Cancel] to select another network to connect to.
APSurvey_action_ConnectingStatus24=Successfully established the wireless connection.
APSurvey_action_ConnectingStatus35=Failed to authenticate the WPA key. Please enter the WPA key again.
APSurvey_action_renew_IP=ZVMODELVZ New IP Address Automatically Obtained from the DHCP Server is:
APSurvey_action_renewing=Updating the IP settings...
APSurvey_action_renew_success=Successfully updated the IP settings. You will be redirected to ZVMODELVZ.
APSurvey_action_searching_noresult=Failed to detect any networks.
APSurvey_action_hidden_key=Hide the network key
APSurvey_action_searching_AP=Searching for available networks, please wait...
APSurvey_msg_renew_fail=ZVMODELVZ failed to automatically obtain a new IP Address from the DHCP Server. Please try again.
APSurvey_msg_renew_fail_hint0=If you failed to establish the wireless connection, check the IP Address settings of your computer.
APSurvey_msg_renew_fail_hint1=If you failed to establish the wireless connection, check the IP Address settings of your computer.
If you still fail to establish the wireless connection,
APSurvey_msg_renew_fail_hint2=Click here to go back to the Advanced Settings page.
APSurvey_msg_connect_open_wlan=You are trying connect to an unsecured network.\n The information transmitted in the network is not encrypted.
APSurvey_msg_renew_IP=The wireless router is renewing or resetting the IP Address. Please wait...
APSurvey_msg_ask_to_input1= required you entering
APSurvey_msg_ask_to_input2=SSID and
APSurvey_msg_waiting_to_connect=Please wait, the ZVMODELVZ is connecting to
APSurvey_Validate_ssid_blank=Please enter the valid wireless name.
APSurvey_Validate_key_blank=Please enter the valid network key.
APSurvey_main_title=Select the network and click [Connect].
Network_key=Network Key
AP_fail_get_IPaddr=Failed to get the IP information.
AP_Remote_IP=AP IP Address
AP_survey=Access Point Survey
statusTitle_AP=Access Point Status
HSDPAConfig_connection=Connection Setting
HSDPAConfig_pin_code_itemname=PIN Code
HSDPAConfig_pin_code_itemdesc=Please input the PIN Code of your SIM Card. It must be the 4 digits.
HSDPAConfig_private_apn_itemname=APN Service
HSDPAConfig_private_apn_itemdesc=If you do not know the APN Service name, please contact your ISP.
HSDPAConfig_hsdpa_mode_Equalweight=Equal Weight
HSDPAConfig_hsdpa_mode_Alwayshigh=Always High
HSDPAConfig_hsdpa_mode_Alwayslow=Always Low
HSDPAConfig_BaseStationType_itemname=Station Type
HSDPAConfig_BaseStationSignalStrength_itemname=Base Station Signal Strength
HSDPAConfig_ConnectionTime_itemname=Connection Time
HSDPAConfig_TransDataSize_itemname=Transmitted Data Size
HSDPAConfig_ReceviedDataSize_itemname=Received Data Size
HSDPAConfig_TotalDataSize_itemname=Total Data Size
HSDPAConfig_MTU_itemdesc=It means Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of USB Modem packet.
HSDPAConfig_MRU_itemdesc=It means Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) of USB Modem packet.
HSDPAConfig_basic=Basic Setting
HSDPAConfig_hsdpa_enable_itemname=Enable USB Modem?
HSDPAConfig_hsdpa_mode_itemname=USB Modem Mode
HSDPAConfig_ConnStatus_itemname=Connection Status
HSDPAConfig_Subnetmask_itemname=Subnet Mask
HSDPAConfig_DefGateway_itemname=Default Gateway
HSDPAConfig_DNSServers_itemname=DNS Server
AiDisk_Wizard_failedreson1=Aidisk Wizard worked exceptionally. Please try again later.
PPPConnection_UserName_sectionname=PPP VPN Client Setting
PPPConnection_detail_sectionname=Account and Detailed Connection Setting
JS_fieldInputError=input error.
JS_field_fulfillSubmask=We will fulfill correct subnet mask.
JS_field_wanip_rule1=is kept for localhost address, please input value between 1 - 233.
JS_field_wanip_rule2=Please input the value between 1 - 233.
Device_Searching=Searching, please wait...
Device_type_03_AP=Access Point
Device_type_05_IC=IP Camera
Device_type_06_OD=Other Device
Device_type_08_XB=Game Console
Device_service_iTune=iTune Service:
Device_service_Printer=Printer Service:
ddnsname_computername=After applying the setting, the Device Name is also changed at the same time. Do you continue?
JS_storageright=It's the name of the ZVMODELVZ, and standard input characters include letters (A-Z,a-z), digits (0-9), spaces, underscores (_) and hyphens (-). The first and last character should not contain any spaces. Using a non-standard name will prevent other users from finding your computer on the network.
not_support_script=Your browser does not support JavaScript. Choose a browser that supports JavaScript or enable it to use the multi-functional router, ZVMODELVZ.
Help_of_Workgroup=It is the group name of the ZVMODELVZ in the Network Neighborhood, and standard input characters include letters (A-Z,a-z), digits (0-9), spaces, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). There should not be any space in the first and last character. Using a non-standard name results in other users cannot find your computer in LAN.
Help_of_Run_prog=You can save the script file in the first partition of your USB Disk and enter its file name here. ZVMODELVZ executes this script when the system mounts the USB Disk.
File_Pop_content_alert_desc1=Username cannot be blank.
File_Pop_content_alert_desc2=Username cannot be less than two characters.
File_Pop_content_alert_desc3=Username cannot be greater than 20 characters.
File_Pop_content_alert_desc4=Username can only contain alphanumeric characters and the dash symbol.
File_Pop_content_alert_desc5=This account already exists.\nPlease enter a different name.
File_Pop_content_alert_desc6=Password cannot be blank!
File_Pop_content_alert_desc7=Passwords should match!
File_Pop_content_alert_desc8=There should not be any spaces in the password.
File_Pop_content_alert_desc9=Password can only contain alphanumeric characters.
File_Pop_content_alert_desc10=The new password takes effect after rebooting or the next time you log into the system.
File_content_alert_desc1=If you want to share this disk, create at least one volume for this disk.
File_content_alert_desc2=If you want to share this volume, create at least one Shared Folder for this volume.
File_content_alert_desc3=Are you sure to delete the shared folder?
File_content_alert_desc4=Are you sure to rename the shared folder?
File_content_alert_desc5=Renaming a share with more than 12 characters may make it invisible in Windows version.\nDo you want to continue?
File_content_alert_desc6=Share name cannot be blank.
File_content_alert_desc7=Share name can only contain alphanumeric, dash, underscore, space characters.
File_content_alert_desc8=The share name already exists in this volume. \nPlease enter a different name!
File_content_alert_desc9=The system cannot create a share folder on it.
File_content_alert_desc10=Creating a share with more than 12 characters may make it invisible in some Windows version.\nDo you want to continue?
File_content_alert_desc11=MYSHARE1 is the system folder and cannot be edited.
File_content_alert_desc12=There is no volume in this device.
File_content_alert_desc13=There is no folder in this volume.
File_content_alert_desc14=You cannot delete this share or modify it's name. If you want to do so, please translate the file system of this hard drive to ReiserFS file system.
enableCIFS=Enable SMB Server?
enableFTP=Enable FTP Server?
Noaccount=No Account
account_overflow=Only 50 accounts allowed.
AddAccountTitle=Add new account
DelAccountTitle=Delete this account
ModAccountTitle=Modify this account
AddFolderTitle=Add new folder
DelFolderTitle=Delete this folder
ModFolderTitle=Rename this folder
AddAccountAlert=New account has read/write access rights.
DelAccountAlert=This account will be deleted with its access rights in the Network Neighborhood and FTP.
Are you sure you want to continue?
ModAccountAlert=The account's access rights does not change after modifying its name and password. If you choose not to do any changes, the account values will remain the same. Confirmpassword=Retype Password ModAccountPassword=New Password FolderName=Folder Name in=in DelFolderAlert1=Are you sure you want to delete the folder DelFolderAlert2= \" and the rights related to the account? Are you sure you want to continue? PoolName=Partition Name NewFolderName=New Folder Name AddFolderAlert=The default access rights for a new folder is read/write. DelFolderAlert=Before deleting the folder, ensure that it is empty.For example: Application you choose will remain the quality and will not lag even when you use P2P.
If your uplink speed has reached 40 Mb/s, we suggest you need not enable EzQoS for saving system resource.
EZQoSDesc2=For more professional and detailed configuration, please enter Day=days Hour=hours Minute=minutes Second=seconds AiDiskWelcome_title=Welcome to AiDisk Wizard AiDiskWelcome_desp=AiDisk enables you to: AiDiskWelcome_desp1=Share files in the USB Disk through the Internet. AiDiskWelcome_desp2=Create your own domain name for the FTP Server. AiDiskWelcome_set_again=Set again Step1_desp=Decide how to share your folders. Step2_desp=Create your domain name via the ASUS DDNS services. Step3_desp=Configuration is successful. AiDisk_Step1_helptitle=Creating the access rights AiDisk_Step2_helptitle=Setting up the DDNS services AiDisk_Step3_helptitle=Setting up the shared disk AiDisk_Step1_help=ZVMODELVZ provides you with these three types of access rights to the shared resources:a) limitless access rights, in which anyone can access your USB Disk in the FTP server.
b) limited access rights, in which access to your USB Disk is limited to those you have assigned access rights. For this type, the ZVMODELVZ creates the [admin/Family] accounts.
c) admin rights in which the ZVMODELVZ creates the [admin] account for full access rights.
Note: The permission settings will clear your original set of accounts.
AiDisk_Step1_help2=Note: Account management function cannot work on NTFS partition. AiDisk_Step2_help=ASUS DDNS creates a domain name with a dynamic IP Address.If you need to configure other DDNS service settings, please refer to Advanced DDNS
AiDisk_Step3_help=Network Neighborhood Share: You can operate the Samba server professionally.Input this PIN code in client's WPS utility and utility will config the wireless security setting of ZVMODELVZ.
wps_state_configured=You have configured wireless security. Please enter Client PIN code and Start a new connection. You can click [Reset] to back unconfigured status. wps_state_unconfigured=Not configured WPS. You may need AP PIN code below. WPS_state_Timeout_unconfigured=Waiting for configure. Click [Connect] and start to configure wireless security. wps_state_not_enabled=Please enable WPS first. WPS_state_configured_success=You have finished configuring the wireless security settings. WPS_enable_confirm=Are you sure you want to to enable WPS? WPS_disable_confirm=Are you sure you want to disable WPS? WPSButton=WPS Button CTL_Add_enrollee=Connect CTL_Wakeup_WPS=Wake Up CTL_Waiting_configured=Waiting... WPSButtonenabled=Configure WPS WPSButtondisabled=WPS Disabled wsc_mode_hint1=WPS cannot support the Authentication Method you have set. Please link wsc_mode_hint2=, to modify it then enable WPS. errormessage_title=Error message logoutmessage=You have Logout successfully. login_hint1=Login user IP: login_hint2=You cannot Login unless logout another user first. DiskStatus_refresh1=I have plugged USB Disk, DiskStatus_refresh2=renew DiskStatus_refresh3= the system status. EZQoS=EZQoS bandwidth Management footer_copyright_desc=ZVCOPYRVZ Help_button_default_hint=Click to open help. Help_init_word1=Help provides you with guidelines and information about using the router's functions. Click the Help_init_word2=hyperlinked words with yellow and blue underline. Help_init_word3=to get help. ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input1=There is no input about protocol! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input2=The input about protocol is incorrect! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input3=There is no input about mode! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input4=The input about mode is incorrect! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input5=There is no input about account! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input6=The input about account is incorrect! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input7=There is no input about pool! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input8=The input about pool is incorrect! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input9=There is no input about folder! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input10=The input about folder is incorrect! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input11=The input about pool or folder are incorrect! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input12=There is no input about permission! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input13=The input about permission is incorrect! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input14=There is no input about password! There is no password entry. ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input15=The input about password is incorrect! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input16=There is no input about new account or new password! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input17=There is no input about new folder! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input18=There is no input about flag! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input19=The input about flag is incorrect! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input20=There is no input about disk! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input21=There is not the chosen disk in the system! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input22=There is no input about the name of the new partition! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input23=There is a wrong format about the name of the new partition! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input24=There is no input about the size of the new partition! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input25=There is no input about the file system of the new partition! ALERT_OF_ERROR_Input26=There is no support for the file system. ALERT_OF_ERROR_Action1=Failed to set the permission/access rights. ALERT_OF_ERROR_Action2=Failed to create the account. ALERT_OF_ERROR_Action3=Failed to delete the account. ALERT_OF_ERROR_Action4=Failed to modify the account. ALERT_OF_ERROR_Action5=Failed to create the shared folder. ALERT_OF_ERROR_Action6=Failed to delete the shared folder. ALERT_OF_ERROR_Action7=Failed to modify the shared folder. ALERT_OF_ERROR_Action8=Failed to control the AiDisk application. ALERT_OF_ERROR_Action9=Failed to unmount the disk. ALERT_OF_ERROR_Action10=Failed to claim the disk. ALERT_OF_ERROR_Action11=Failed to build the swap file. ALERT_OF_ERROR_Action12=Failed to format the disk. ALERT_OF_ERROR_System1=System error: Cannot allocate the memory! ALERT_OF_ERROR_System2=System error: Cannot read out the disk's data! ALERT_OF_ERROR_System3=System error: The disk is busy! Web_Title=ZVMODELVZ Wireless Router PPPConnection_UserName_itemdesc=This field is only available when you set the WAN Connection Type as USB Modem, PPPoE, PPTP or L2TP. BOP_account_user_item=User Name: BOP_account_pass_item=Password: QKSet_detect_freshbtn=Detect again QKSet_account_passwd=The Password for this user account. QKSet_account_nameblank=Account name cannot be blank. Layer3Forwarding_x_DHCPClient_itemname=Get the WAN IP Address Automatically? Layer3Forwarding_x_UseStaticIP_itemname=Use the Following IP Address: IPConnection_ExternalIPAddress_itemdesc=This is the IP Address of ZVMODELVZ as seen on the remote network. When installing [] ZVMODELVZ will receive IP Address automatically from DHCP Server. IPConnection_ExternalIPAddress_itemname=IP Address: IPConnection_x_ExternalSubnetMask_itemdesc=This is the Subnet Mask of ZVMODELVZ as seen on the remote network. IPConnection_x_ExternalSubnetMask_itemname=Subnet Mask: IPConnection_x_ExternalGateway_itemdesc=This is the IP Address of the default gateway that allows for contact between ZVMODELVZ and the remote network or host. IPConnection_x_ExternalGateway_itemname=Default Gateway: PPPConnection_x_HeartBeat_itemname=VPN Server (PPTP/L2TP): IPConnection_x_DNSServerEnable_itemname=Get the DNS Server Address Automatically? IPConnection_x_DNSServerEnable_itemdesc=This field allows you to get the DNS IP Address from the remote network automatically. IPConnection_x_DNSServer1_itemdesc=This field indicates the IP Address of DNS that ZVMODELVZ contact to. IPConnection_x_DNSServer1_itemname=DNS Server IPConnection_warning_WANIPEQUALGatewayIP=You have set WAN IP as ZVMODELVZ Gateway and ZVMODELVZ maybe could not connect to Internet. Please set Gateway with correct value. BOP_isp_host_desc=This field allows you to provide a host name for ZVMODELVZ. It is usually requested by your ISP. BOP_isp_host_item=Host Name: PPPConnection_x_MacAddressForISP_itemdesc=This field allows you to provide a unique MAC Address for ZVMODELVZ to connect Internet. It is usually requested by your ISP. BOP_isp_mac_item=MAC Address: BOP_isp_MACclone=MAC Clone BOP_ctype_title1=Automatic IP BOP_ctype_item1=The type allows your PC to obtain IP Address automatically. This connection type is often used by cable modem service providers. BOP_ctype_item2=ADSL or other connection that requires username and password. It is known as PPPoE. BOP_ctype_item3=ADSL or other connection that requires username, password and IP Address. It is known as PPTP. BOP_ctype_item4=L2TP requires username, password and IP Address provided by your ISP. BOP_ctype_title5=Static IP BOP_ctype_item5=Static IP allows your PC to use a fixed IP Address provided by your ISP. This connection type is often used by ADSL service providers. WLANConfig11b_SSID_itemdesc=Assign an identification string of up to 32 characters for your wireless connection. WLANConfig11b_SSID_itemname=SSID: WLANConfig11b_x_PSKKey_itemdesc=This field requires a password of 8 to 63 characters (letters, numbers or a combination) or 64 hex digits to start the encryption process. If you leave this field blank, the default [00000000] will be assigned as your password. WLANConfig11b_x_PSKKey_itemname=WPA Pre-Shared Key: WLANConfig11b_WEPDefaultKey_itemdesc=Set the WEP key to transmit data on your wireless. WLANConfig11b_WEPDefaultKey_itemname=Key Index: JS_passzero=Pre-shared key should be 8 to 63 characters. If you leave this field blank, system will assign [00000000] as your passphrase. JS_PSK64Hex=Pre-shared key should be 8 to 63 characters or 64 hex digits! JS_wepkey=Please enter the correct WEP key. CTL_nonsupported=Nonsupported CTL_localdevice=Local Device CTL_unknown=Unknown Device CTL_add=Add CTL_del=Delete CTL_help=Help CTL_Cancel=Cancel CTL_apply=Apply CTL_apply1=Apply all settings CTL_finish=Finish CTL_refresh=Refresh BTN_REBOOT=Reboot BTN_LOGOUT=Logout CTL_upload=Upload CTL_next=Next CTL_prev=Previous CTL_Setting=Back Main Page CTL_AdvSetting=Go to Advanced Settings CTL_Enabled=Enabled CTL_Disabled=Disabled CTL_Connect=Connected CTL_Disconnect=Disconnected Main_alert_proceeding_desc1=Proceeding... Main_alert_proceeding_desc4=Please wait... Main_alert_proceeding_desc3=Complete! Main_content_Login_Item7=Rebooting the router takes about 30 seconds. Are you sure you want to reboot the router now? JS_fieldblank=Fields cannot be blank! JS_validip=is not a valid IP Address! JS_validmask=is not a valid IP Mask! JS_validsubnet=WAN and LAN should have different IP addresses and subnets! JS_itemlimit1=This table only allow JS_itemlimit2=items! JS_duplicate=This entry has been in list! JS_validmac=Please enter the complete MAC Address which contains 12 hexadecimal letters. JS_validstr1=This string cannot start with JS_validstr2=This string cannot contain JS_validSSID1=SSID cannot contain the character \" JS_validSSID2=\". JS_validrange=Please enter a value between JS_validrange_to=to JS_validport=is not a valid port number. JS_WanLanAlert=Selecting [Drop] will drop all WAN to LAN packets except for those matched in filter table. Please use it carefully. JS_LanWanAlert=Selecting [Drop] will drop all LAN to WAN packets except for those matched in filter table. Please use it carefully. JS_fixchannel=Please choose a fixed channel for Bridge. JS_AES2=If you would like to enable AES unique, Authentication should be set as [Open System]! JS_AES3=If you would like to enable AES unique, WEP should be enabled too! JS_RESET=WARNING.\nAll your settings will be lost!\nDo you want to continue? JS_DHCP1=The subnet mask is changed and the IP DHCP Pool of ZVMODELVZ should be changed. Would you like to change it automatically? JS_DHCP3=The new IP DHCP Pool does not match the subnet mask. Do you want to allow ZVMODELVZ to change the IP DHCP Pool automatically? BOP_isp_desc=Host Name Provided by ISP: OP_desc1=Router supports three operation modes to meet different requirements. Please select the mode that match your situation. PASS_new=New Password: PASS_retype=Retype New Password: FW_desc1=Follow instructions listed below: FW_desc2=Check if any new version of firmware is available on ASUS RT-N56U custom firmware website. FW_desc3=Download a proper version to your local machine. FW_desc4=Specify the path of and name of the downloaded file in the [New Firmware File]. FW_desc5=Click [Upload] to upload the file to router. Uploading process takes about 2-3 minutes. FW_desc6=After receiving a correct firmware file, router will automatically start the upgrade process. The system reboots after the upgrading process is finished. FW_item1=Product ID: FW_item2=Firmware Version: FW_item3=Bootloader Version: FW_item4=Hardware Version: FW_item5=New Firmware File: FW_note=Note: Telegram:【老毛子Padavan固件自助交流群】、【老毛子Padavan固件发布】 FW_n1=For a configuration parameter existing both in the old and new firmware, its setting will be kept during the upgrade process. FW_n2=In case the upgrade process fails, router enters the emergency mode automatically. The LED signals at the front panel will indicate such situation. Use the Firmware Restoration utility on the CD to do system recovery. FIRM_ok_title=Successfully upgraded the firmware. FIRM_ok_desc=Firmware is upgrading. Please wait about 2-3 minutes. FIRM_fail_desc=Firmware upgrade fail. You can see details in system log. Please check the version of firmware and try again. Setting_save_upload_desc=This function allows you to save current router settings to a file or load settings from a file. Setting_factorydefault_itemname=Factory Default: Setting_save_itemname=Save Setting to a File: Setting_upload_itemname=Restore Settings from a File: Setting_factorydefault_itemdesc=Click [Reset] to restore the router to its factory default settings and delete all the current settings. Wait for a while until the router reboots. Setting_save_itemdesc=Click the [Save] button to save current router setting into a file. Setting_upload_itemdesc=Specify the path and name of setting file. Then click [Upload] to write the file to router. Wait for a while until the router reboots. Setting_upload_hint=File name or path is invalid! Setting_factorydefault_hint1=All current settings are deleted and the router will be restored to its factory default settings.\n Setting_factorydefault_hint2=Are you sure you want to continue? Setting_factorydefault_iphint=The default LAN IP of ZVMODELVZ is\nIf you can't back setting page later, please renew IP configuration of your computer. SET_ok_desc=Setting is uploading! Please wait about 30 seconds. SET_fail_desc=Setting or Storage file upload fail. You can see details in system log. Please check the file and try again. RHELP_desc4=It stands for the destination network or host of a route rule. So it could be a host address, such as or a network address, such as RHELP_desc5=It indicates how many bits are for network ID and subnet ID. For example: if the dotted-decimal netmask is, then its netmask bits is 24. If the destination is a host, its netmask bits should be 32. RHELP_desc6=It stands for the IP Address of gateway where packets are routed to. The specified gateway must be reachable first. It means you have to set up a static route to the gateway beforehand. RHELP_desc7=Metric is a value of distance for the network RHELP_desc8=Network interface that the route rule apply to. SAVE_restart_desc=System is restarting now! Please wait and we will redirect to home of ZVMODELVZ. t1Home=Home t1Quick=Quick Setup t1Wireless=Wireless t2IF=Interface t2BR=Bridge t2WPS=WPS t2ACL=Access Control t2RADIUS=RADIUS Setting t2Advanced=Advanced Settings t1IP=IP Config t2LAN=LAN t2WANLAN=WAN & LAN t2DHCP=DHCP Server t2SRoute=Route t2Misc=Miscellaneous t1NAT=NAT Setting t2VS=Port Forwarding t2VDMZ=Virtual DMZ t1IFW=Internet Firewall t2WLFilter=WAN & LAN Filter t2URLFilter=URL Filter t1WFW=Wireless Firewall t2WDHCP=DHCP Server t1USB=USB Application t2UL=User List t2BC=Basic Config t2FTP=FTP Server t1SYS=System Setup t2OP=Operation Mode t2Pass=Change Password t2Upgrade=Firmware Upgrade t2Setting=Setting Management t1Status=Status & Log t2Status=Status t2UStatus=USB t2UTStatus=External USB Disk t2WStatus=Wireless t2DStatus=DHCP Leases t2PortStatus=Port Forwarding t2RouteStatus=Routing Table t2Log=System Log General_x_SystemTime_itemname=System Time General_x_SystemUpTime_itemname=Uptime: General_x_SystemUpTime_itemdesc=Elapsed time since system boot General_x_FirmwareVersion_itemname=Firmware: Layer3Forwarding_x_ConnectionType_sectiondesc=ZVMODELVZ supports several connection types to WAN. These types are selected from the dropdown menu beside WAN Connection Type. The setting fields differ depending on the connection type you selected. Layer3Forwarding_x_ConnectionType_itemname=WAN Connection Type: Layer3Forwarding_x_STB_itemname=Choose IPTV STB Port: IPConnection_ExternalIPAddress_sectionname=WAN IP Settings IPConnection_x_DNSServerEnable_sectionname=WAN DNS Settings IPConnection_ExposedIP_sectiondesc=Virtual DMZ allows you to expose one computer to the Internet, so that all the inbounds packets will be redirected to the computer you set. It is useful while you run some applications that use uncertained incoming ports. Please use it carefully. IPConnection_ExposedIP_itemname=IP Address of Exposed Station: IPConnection_VServerEnable_sectiondesc=Port forwarding allows remote computers to connect to a specific computer or service within a private local area network (LAN). For a faster connection, some P2P applications (such as BitTorrent), may also require that you set the port forwarding setting. Please refer to the P2P application's user manual for details. IPConnection_VServerEnable_itemname=Enable Manual Port Forwarding? IPConnection_VServerIP_itemname=Local IP IPConnection_VServerPort_itemname=Port Range IPConnection_VServerProto_itemname=Protocol IPConnection_VServerDescript_itemname=Service Name PPPConnection_ConnectionType_itemname=Connection Type: PPPConnection_UserName_itemname=User Name: PPPConnection_Password_itemname=Password: PPPConnection_Password_itemdesc=This field is only available when you set WAN Connection Type as PPPoE, PPTP or L2TP. PPPConnection_IdleDisconnectTime_itemname=Idle Disconnect Time in Seconds: PPPConnection_IdleDisconnectTime_itemdesc=This field is optional and allows you to configure to terminate your ISP connection after a specified period of time. A value of zero allows infinite idle time. PPPConnection_x_PPPoEMTU_itemname=MTU: PPPConnection_x_PPPoEMTU_itemdesc=It means Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of PPP packet. PPPConnection_x_PPPoEMRU_itemname=MRU: PPPConnection_x_PPPoEMRU_itemdesc=It means Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) of PPP packet. PPPConnection_x_PPPoERelay_itemname=Enable PPPoE Relay from LAN? PPPConnection_x_PPPoERelay_itemdesc=Enable PPPoE Relay allows stations in LAN to set up individual PPPoE connections that passes through gateway. PPPConnection_x_ServiceName_itemname=PPPoE Service Name: PPPConnection_x_ServiceName_itemdesc=This field is optional and may be specified by some ISPs. Check with your ISP and fill them in if required. PPPConnection_x_AccessConcentrator_itemname=Access Concentrator Name: PPPConnection_x_AccessConcentrator_itemdesc=This field is optional and may be specified by some ISPs. Check with your ISP and fill them in if required. PPPConnection_x_PPTPOptions_itemname=MPPE Encryption: PPPConnection_x_PPTPOptions_itemdesc=This item may be specified by some ISPs. Check with your ISP and fill them in if required. PPPConnection_x_AdditionalOptions_itemname=Additional pppd Options: PPPConnection_x_AdditionalOptions_itemdesc=This item may be specified by some ISPs. Check with your ISP and fill them in if required. PPPConnection_x_HostNameForISP_sectionname=Special Requirement from ISP PPPConnection_x_HostNameForISP_itemname=Host Name: PPPConnection_x_HostNameForISP_itemdesc=This field allows you to provide a host name for ZVMODELVZ. It is usually requested by your ISP. PPPConnection_x_MacAddressForISP_itemname=MAC Address: PPPConnection_x_WANType_itemname=Connection Type: PPPConnection_x_WANIPAddress_itemname=IP Address: PPPConnection_x_WANSubnetMask_itemname=Subnet Mask: PPPConnection_x_WANGateway_itemname=Gateway: PPPConnection_x_WANDNSServer_itemname=DNS Servers: PPPConnection_x_WANLink_itemname=Connection Status: FirewallConfig_display1_sectiondesc=The Network Services filter blocks the LAN to WAN traffic and restricts devices from using specific network services. For example, if you do not want the device to use the WWW service, set 80 in the destination port. The traffic that uses port 80 will be blocked. FirewallConfig_LanWanActiveDate_itemname=Date to Enable LAN - WAN Filter: FirewallConfig_LanWanActiveDate_itemdesc=This field defines the dates that LAN - WAN filter will be enabled. FirewallConfig_LanWanActiveTime_itemname=Time of Day to Enable LAN - WAN Filter: FirewallConfig_LanWanActiveTime_itemdesc=This field defines the time interval that LAN - WAN filter will be enabled. FirewallConfig_LanWanDefaultAct_itemname=Filter Table Type: FirewallConfig_LanWanDefaultAct_itemdesc=Select either white List or Black List to accept or reject those LAN to WAN packet exchanges for clients specified in the filter table. FirewallConfig_LanWanICMP_itemname=Filtered ICMP Packet Types: FirewallConfig_LanWanICMP_itemdesc=This field defines a list of LAN to WAN ICMP packets type that will be filtered. For example, if you would like to filter Echo (type 8) and Echo Reply (type 0) ICMP packets, you need to enter a string with numbers separated by blank, such as 0 5. FirewallConfig_LanWanSrcIP_itemname=Source IP FirewallConfig_LanWanSrcPort_itemname=Port Range FirewallConfig_LanWanDstIP_itemname=Destination IP FirewallConfig_LanWanDstPort_itemname=Port Range FirewallConfig_LanWanProFlag_itemname=Protocol FirewallConfig_URLActiveTime_itemname=Time of Day to Enable URL Filter FirewallConfig_UrlFilterEnable_itemname=Enable URL Filter FirewallConfig_UrlMAC=MAC Address of Filtered Host FirewallConfig_UrlInv=Exclude FirewallConfig_URLActiveTime_itemdesc=This field defines the time interval that URL Filter will be enabled. Please enter different start and end time. FirewallConfig_UrlFilterEnable_sectiondesc=Key in the keywords for the sites that you want to block. For example, enter \"XXX\" in the list The URL filter will block the http://www.abcXXX.com, http://www.XXXbbb.com and so on. Note: Compressed and HTTPS webpages cannot be filtered. FirewallConfig_URLActiveDate_itemname=Date to Enable URL Filter: FirewallConfig_URLActiveDate_itemdesc=This field defines the dates that URL Filter will be enabled. FirewallConfig_URLActiveTime_itemhint2=Invalid time period. RouterConfig_GWStaticEnable_sectiondesc=This function allows you to add routing rules into ZVMODELVZ. It is useful if you connect several routers behind ZVMODELVZ to share the same connection to the Internet. RouterConfig_GWDHCPEnable_itemname=Use DHCP Routes? RouterConfig_GWMulticastEnable_itemname=Enable Multicast Routing to LAN? RouterConfig_GWStaticEnable_itemname=Enable Static Routes? RouterConfig_GWStaticIP_itemname=Network or Host IP RouterConfig_GWStaticMask_itemname=Netmask RouterConfig_GWStaticGW_itemname=Gateway LANHostConfig_WPAD=Web Proxy Automatic Discovery (WPAD) LANHostConfig_display1_sectionname=LAN IP Settings LANHostConfig_display1_sectiondesc=Configure the LAN IP of ZVMODELVZ. The DHCP Server dynamically changes the IP pool when you change the LAN IP. LANHostConfig_display2_sectiondesc=Configure the LAN IP of ZVMODELVZ in AP mode. LANHostConfig_lanipaddr_changed_hint=If you can't back setting page later, please check IP configuration of your computer. LANHostConfig_x_LANDHCPClient_itemname=Get IP Automatically? LANHostConfig_IPRouters_itemname=IP Address: LANHostConfig_SubnetMask_itemname=Subnet Mask: LANHostConfig_SubnetMask_itemdesc=The LAN subnet mask of ZVMODELVZ. The default value is LANHostConfig_x_LANIPAddress_itemname=IP Address: LANHostConfig_x_LANSubnetMask_itemname=Subnet Mask: LANHostConfig_x_LANGateway_itemname=Default Gateway: LANHostConfig_x_HostName_itemname=Host Name: LANHostConfig_x_HostName_itemdesc=This is the Host Name of ZVMODELVZ as seen in your local network. LANHostConfig_x_Gateway_itemname=Default Gateway: LANHostConfig_x_Gateway_itemdesc=This is the IP Address of default gateway for Access Point LANHostConfig_DHCPServerConfigurable_sectiondesc=ZVMODELVZ supports up to 253 IP Addresses for your local network. The IP Address of a local machine can be assigned manually by the network administrator or obtained automatically from ZVMODELVZ if the DHCP Server is enabled. LANHostConfig_DHCPServerConfigurable_sectiondesc2=ZVMODELVZ IP Address: LANHostConfig_DHCPServerConfigurable_itemname=Enable DHCP Server? LANHostConfig_DHCPServerConfigurable_itemdesc=DHCP Server administers and assigns IP Addresses for LAN clients automatically. LANHostConfig_DomainName_itemname=Domain Name: LANHostConfig_DomainName_itemdesc=The Domain Name for clients who request IP Address from the DHCP Server. LANHostConfig_MinAddress_itemname=IP Pool Starting Address: LANHostConfig_MinAddress_itemdesc=The first address in the pool to be assigned by the DHCP Server in LAN. LANHostConfig_MaxAddress_itemname=IP Pool Ending Address: LANHostConfig_MaxAddress_itemdesc=This field indicates the last address in the pool to be assigned by the DHCP Server in LAN. LANHostConfig_LeaseTime_itemname=DHCP Lease Time (sec): LANHostConfig_LeaseTime_itemdesc=The amount of connection time with the current Dynamic IP Address. LANHostConfig_x_LGateway_itemname=Default Gateway: LANHostConfig_x_LGateway_itemdesc=This field indicates the IP Address of gateway in your LAN. If you leave it blank, the IP Address of ZVMODELVZ will be assigned. LANHostConfig_x_LDNSServer1_sectionname=DNS and WINS Server Setting LANHostConfig_x_LDNSServer1_itemname=DNS Server LANHostConfig_x_LDNSServer1_itemdesc=This field indicates the IP Address of DNS to provide to clients that request IP Address from DHCP Server. You can leave it blank, then the DNS request will be processed by ZVMODELVZ. LANHostConfig_x_LDNSServer6_itemname=DNSv6 Server LANHostConfig_x_LDNSServer6_itemdesc=This field indicates the IP Address of DNSv6 to provide to clients that request IP Address from DHCP Server. You can leave it blank, then the DNS request will be processed by ZVMODELVZ. LANHostConfig_x_WINSServer_itemname=WINS Server: LANHostConfig_x_WINSServer_itemdesc=The Windows Internet Naming Service manages interaction of each PC with the Internet. If you use a WINS Server, enter IP Address of server here. LANHostConfig_x_ServerLogEnable_itemname=Remote Log Server: LANHostConfig_x_ServerLogEnable_itemdesc=This field allows to assign a remote server (IPv4 address:port) to record log messages of ZVMODELVZ. LANHostConfig_x_TimeZone_itemname=Time Zone: LANHostConfig_x_TimeZone_itemdesc=The standard time in your area or locality. LANHostConfig_x_TimeZone_itemhint=Remind: The system time zone is different from your locale setting. TZ01=Eniwetok, Kwajalein TZ02=Midway Island, Samoa TZ03=Hawaii TZ04=Anchorage (Alaska) TZ05=Pacific Time (USA & Canada) TZ06=Mountain Time (USA & Canada) TZ07=Arizona TZ08=Denver, Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan TZ09=Central Time (USA & Canada) TZ10=Saskatchewan TZ11=Guadalajara, Mexico City TZ12=Monterrey TZ13=San Salvador TZ14=Eastern Time (USA & Canada) TZ15=Indiana (East) TZ16=Bogota, Lima, Quito TZ17=Atlantic Time (Canada) TZ18=Caracas, La Paz TZ19=Santiago TZ20=Newfoundland TZ21=Brasilia, Sao Paulo TZ22=Buenos Aires, Georgetown, Cayenne TZ23=Greenland TZ24=Mid-Atlantic TZ25=Azores TZ26=Cape Verde Is. TZ27=Greenwich Mean Time TZ28=Casablanca, Monrovia TZ29=Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest TZ30=Ljubljana, Prague TZ31=Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofija TZ32=Vilnius, Warsaw, Zagreb TZ33=Brussels, Copenhagen TZ34=Madrid, Paris TZ35=Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern TZ36=Rome, Stockholm, Vienna TZ37=West Central Africa TZ38=Bucharest TZ39=Cairo TZ40=Helsinki, Riga, Tallinn TZ41=Athens, Istanbul TZ42=Jerusalem TZ43=Harare, Pretoria TZ43_2=Ukraine TZ43_3=Kaliningrad TZ44=Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd TZ45=Samara, Izhevsk TZ46=Minsk, Kuwait, Riyadh TZ47=Nairobi TZ48=Baghdad TZ49=Tehran TZ50=Abu Dhabi, Muscat TZ51=Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan TZ52=Kabul TZ53=Ekaterinburg TZ54=Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent TZ55=Calcutta, Chennai TZ56=Mumbai, New Delhi TZ57=Kathmandu TZ58=Astana, Dhaka TZ59=Sri Jayawardenepura TZ60=Novosibirsk TZ60_2=Almaty TZ61=Rangoon TZ62=Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta TZ63=Krasnoyarsk TZ64=Beijing, Hong Kong TZ65=Chongqing, Urumqi TZ66=Kuala Lumpur, Singapore TZ67=Taipei TZ68=Perth TZ69=Irkutsk TZ69_2=Ulaan Bataar TZ70=Seoul TZ71=Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo TZ72=Yakutsk TZ73=Darwin TZ74=Adelaide TZ75=Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney TZ76=Brisbane TZ77=Hobart TZ78=Vladivostok, Magadan TZ79=Guam, Port Moresby TZ80=Solomon Is. TZ80_2=Chokurdakh (Sakha) TZ81=New Caledonia TZ81_2=Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky TZ82=Fiji, Marshall Is. TZ83=Auckland, Wellington TZ84=Nukualofa LANHostConfig_x_NTPServer_itemname=NTP Server: LANHostConfig_x_NTPServer_itemdesc=To synchronize your system time with NTP Server. LANHostConfig_x_DDNSEnable_sectionname=DDNS Setting LANHostConfig_x_DDNSEnable_sectiondesc=Dynamic DNS (DDNS) allows you to assign an Internet domain name to a computer with a dynamic IP Address. Currently, several DDNS services are embedded in ZVMODELVZ. LANHostConfig_x_DDNSEnable_sectiondesc2=The wireless router currently uses a private WAN IP Address (192.168.x.x, 10.x.x.x or 172.16.x.x). This router may be in the multiple-NAT environment and DDNS service will use the external IP from ISP! LANHostConfig_x_DDNSEnable_sectiondesc3=The host name is successfully registered. You can use [hostname].asuscomm.com to access the service in home network from WAN. Go to Port Forwarding to configure the port forwarding or DMZ settings to allow other WAN clients to remotely access your network. If you want to remotely configure the wireless router, go to Firewall. LANHostConfig_x_DDNSEnable_itemname=Enable the DDNS Client? LANHostConfig_x_DDNSServer_itemname=Service Profile: LANHostConfig_x_DDNSUserName_itemname=DDNS User Name or E-mail Address or Token: LANHostConfig_x_DDNSUserName_itemdesc=This field is used as an identity to log into the Dynamic-DNS service. LANHostConfig_x_DDNSPassword_itemname=DDNS Password: LANHostConfig_x_DDNSPassword_itemdesc=This field is used as a password to log into the Dynamic-DNS service. LANHostConfig_x_DDNSHostNames_itemname=Host Name: LANHostConfig_x_DDNSHostNames_itemdesc=This is the name that you registered in the DDNS service and the name that identifies your computer in the network. LANHostConfig_x_DDNSWildcard_itemname=Enable Wildcard? LANHostConfig_x_DDNSWildcard_itemdesc=When enabled, the domain name with wildcard is redirected to your IP Address. LANHostConfig_x_DDNSStatus_itemname=Update Manually: LANHostConfig_x_DDNSStatus_itemdesc=This button allows you to force update DDNS database manually. You can get current status of DDNS update from the System Log. LANHostConfig_ReservedAddresses_itemname=IP Address: DeviceSecurity11a_display1_sectiondesc=Wireless MAC Filter allows you to control packets from devices with specified MAC Address in your Wireless LAN. WLANAuthentication11a_display1_sectiondesc=This section allows you to set up additional parameters for authorizing wireless clients through RADIUS server. It is required while you select [Authentication Method] in Wireless - General as [WPA-Enterprise/WPA2-Enterprise] or [RADIUS with 802.1x]. WLANAuthentication11a_ExAuthDBIPAddr_itemname=Server IP Address: WLANAuthentication11a_ExAuthDBIPAddr_itemdesc=The IP Address of the RADIUS server for 802.1X wireless authentication and dynamic WEP key derivation. WLANAuthentication11a_ExAuthDBPortNumber_itemname=Server Port: WLANAuthentication11a_ExAuthDBPortNumber_itemdesc=The UDP Port number for connection to the RADIUS server. WLANAuthentication11a_ExAuthDBPassword_itemname=Connection Secret: WLANAuthentication11a_ExAuthDBPassword_itemdesc=The password to connect to the RADIUS server. WLANConfig11b_x_APMode_itemname=Wireless Operation Mode: WLANConfig11b_x_APMode_itemdesc=Select [AP] to disable Wireless bridge function. Select [WDS bridge] or [AP-Client] to disable local wireless station connection. Select [WDS repeater] or [AP-Client + AP] to enable Wireless bridge function and wireless stations will be able to connect to the AP. WLANConfig11b_Channel_itemname=Radio Channel: WLANConfig11b_Channel_itemdesc=The radio channel for wireless connection operation. WLANConfig11b_x_BRApply_itemname=Manual Connections to WDS Peers? WLANConfig11b_x_BRApply_itemdesc=Select [Yes] to connect ZVMODELVZ to other WDS peers listed in the remote peers list. WLANConfig11b_x_BRestrict_itemname=Allow anonymous? WLANConfig11b_x_BRestrict_itemdesc=Selecting [Yes] disables wireless bridge restriction. Any wireless bridge will be granted access. Selecting [No] enables wireless bridge restriction. Only those bridges listed in Remote Bridge List will be granted access. WLANConfig11b_DataRateAll_itemname=Data Rate (Mbps): WLANConfig11b_DataRateAll_itemdesc=This field allows you to select the transmission rate. Auto is recommended to maximize performance. WLANConfig11b_MultiRateAll_itemname=Multicast Rate (Mbps): WLANConfig11b_MultiRateAll_itemdesc=Select the multicast transmission rate. You are recommended to select [OFDM] or [HTMIX] to maximize performance. WLANConfig11b_x_Mode11g_itemname=Wireless Mode: WLANConfig11b_x_Mode11g_itemdesc=This item allows you to select any of these options for the Wireless Mode of your 802.11n interface.[n Only]: Maximizes performance, but does not allow 11g and 11b (11a for 5GHZ) clients to connect to ZVMODELVZ.
WLANConfig11b_BGProt11g_itemname=b/g protection: WLANConfig11b_BGProt11g_itemdesc=Enable protection for 11b traffic from 11g or 11n clients. WLANConfig11b_ChannelBW_itemname=Channel Bandwidth: WLANConfig11b_ChannelBW_itemdesc=Selecting a wider channel bandwidth provides you with a higher transmission speed. WLANConfig11b_EChannel_itemname=Extension Channel: WLANConfig11b_EChannel_itemdesc=Select the extension channel used in the 20/40 MHz channel bandwidth mode. 802.11n uses the extension channel to get extra speed. WLANConfig11b_x_GProtection_itemdesc=This field indicates if G protection mode is enabled WLANConfig11b_DataRate_itemname=Basic Rate Set: WLANConfig11b_DataRate_itemdesc=This field indicates the basic rates that wireless client must support. WLANConfig11b_AuthenticationMethod_itemname=Authentication Method: WLANConfig11b_AuthenticationMethod_itemdesc=This field enables the authentication methods for wireless clients. WLANConfig11b_WEPType_itemname=WEP Encryption: WLANConfig11b_WEPType_itemdesc=Enable WEP Encyption to encrypt data. WLANConfig11b_x_Phrase_itemname=ASUS Password: WLANConfig11b_x_Phrase_itemdesc=Select [WEP - 64bits] or [WEP - 128bits] in WEP encryption field to generate four WEP keys automatically. WLANConfig11b_WEPKeytype_itemname=WEP Key Type WLANConfig11b_WEPKey_itemname=WEP Key WLANConfig11b_WEPKey1_itemname=WEP Key 1: WLANConfig11b_WEPKey2_itemname=WEP Key 2: WLANConfig11b_WEPKey3_itemname=WEP Key 3: WLANConfig11b_WEPKey4_itemname=WEP Key 4: WLANConfig11b_WEPKey_itemtype1=5 ASCII digits or 10 hex digits WLANConfig11b_WEPKey_itemtype2=13 ASCII digits or 26 hex digits WLANConfig11b_x_turbo_qam=Enable 256QAM(Turbo QAM)? WLANConfig11b_x_rt_airtimefairness=Enable Airtime Fairness? WLANConfig11b_x_Rekey_itemname=Network Key Rotation Interval: WLANConfig11b_x_Rekey_itemdesc=This field specifies the interval (sec) after which a WPA group key is changed. Enter 0 (zero) to indicate that a periodic key-change is not required. WLANConfig11b_x_BlockBCSSID_itemname=Hide SSID: WLANConfig11b_x_BlockBCSSID_itemdesc=If [Yes] is selected, your SSID does not show in site surveys by wireless mobile clients and they can only connect to your ASUS Wireless Router with your SSID of AP. WLANConfig11b_x_Frag_itemname=Fragmentation Threshold: WLANConfig11b_x_Frag_itemdesc=Fragmentation Threshold sets the frame size of incoming messages (ranging from 256 to 2346 bytes) used as fragmentation boundary. If the frame size is too big, the heavy interference affects transmission reliability. If the frame size is too small, it decreases transmission efficiency. WLANConfig11b_x_RTS_itemname=RTS Threshold: WLANConfig11b_x_RTS_itemdesc=Lower the signal RTS (Request To Send) to promote the transmission efficiency in condition of noisy environment or too many clients. WLANConfig11b_x_DTIM_itemname=DTIM Interval: WLANConfig11b_x_DTIM_itemdesc=DTIM (Delivery Traffic Indication Message) is included in Beacon packet.The DTIM Interval (1 - 255) means the period of time to wake up wireless clients from Sleep Mode. The default value is 1. WLANConfig11b_x_Beacon_itemname=Beacon Interval: WLANConfig11b_x_Beacon_itemdesc=Beacon Interval means the period of time between one beacon and the next one. The default value is 100 (the unit is millisecond, or 1/1000 sec). Lower the Beacon Interval to improve transmission performance in unstable environment or for roaming clients, but it will be power consuming. WLANConfig11b_x_TxBurst_itemname=Enable TX Bursting? WLANConfig11b_x_TxBurst_itemdesc=Selecting [Enable] enables TX Bursting to improve the transmission speed. WLANConfig11b_x_PktAggregate_itemname=Enable Packet Aggregation? WLANConfig11b_x_PktAggregate_itemdesc=Selecting [Enable] enables Packet Aggregation to increase the delivered bandwidth in your network. WLANConfig11b_x_HT_OpMode_itemname=Enable Greenfield? WLANConfig11b_x_HT_OpMode_itemdesc=Selecting [Enable] enables Greenfield to allow the network to ignore earlier standards. WLANConfig11b_x_APSD_itemname=Enable WMM APSD? WLANConfig11b_x_APSD_itemdesc=Enable or Disable WMM APSD (Automatic Power Save Delivery). WLANConfig11b_x_DLS_itemname=Enable WMM DLS? WLANConfig11b_x_DLS_itemdesc=Enable or Disable WMM DLS (Direct Link Setup). WLANConfig11b_x_RadioEnable_itemname=Enable Radio? WLANConfig11b_x_RadioEnable_itemdesc=Select [Yes] to enable Radio function. WLANConfig11b_x_RadioEnableDate_itemname=Date to Enable Radio (workweek): WLANConfig11b_x_RadioEnableDate_itemname2=Date to Enable Radio (weekend): WLANConfig11b_x_RadioEnableDate_itemdesc=This field defines the dates that wireless function is enabled. WLANConfig11b_x_RadioEnableTime_itemname=Time of Day to Enable Radio (workweek): WLANConfig11b_x_RadioEnableTime_itemname2=Time of Day to Enable Radio (weekend): WLANConfig11b_x_RadioEnableTime_itemdesc=This field defines the time interval that wireless function is enabled. WLANConfig11b_WirelessCtrl_itemname=Radio Control: PrinterStatus_x_PrinterModel_statusname=Printer PrinterStatus_x_PrinterModel_itemname=Printer Model: PrinterStatus_x_PrinterModel_itemdesc=Printer Model connect to ZVMODELVZ. PrinterStatus_x_PrinterStatus_itemname=Printer Status: PrinterStatus_x_PrinterStatus_itemdesc=Current Status of printer PrinterStatus_x_PrinterAction_buttonname=Remove PrinterStatus_x_PrinterUser_itemname=Active User: PrinterStatus_x_PrinterUser_itemdesc=IP Address of user which using this printer. PPPConnection_x_WANType_statusname=WAN Interface PPPConnection_x_WANAction_itemname=Action: PPPConnection_x_WANAction_buttonname=Disconnect PPPConnection_x_WANAction_button1name=Connect LANHostConfig_x_LANIPAddress_statusname=LAN Interface LANHostConfig_x_DDNSStatus_buttonname=Update ShareNode_DeviceName_itemname=Device Name: ShareNode_WorkGroup_itemname=Work Group: ShareNode_MaximumLoginUser_itemname=Maximum Login User: ShareNode_InitialScript_itemname=Initial Script: USB_Application_disk_miscellaneous_desc=Common settings for the USB Disk and applications. BasicConfig_EnableDownloadMachine_itemname=Enable Download Master? BasicConfig_EnableDownloadShare_itemname=Enable Download Share? BasicConfig_EnableMediaServer_itemname=Enable UPnP? CTL_restore=Reset CTL_onlysave=Save CTL_clear=Clear JS_checkpass=Two password strings do not match. JS_validchar=Invalid character! JS_validportrange=is not a valid port range! JS_ipblank1=Local IP or port range fields cannot be empty! JS_wpapass=Pre-shared key should be less than 64 characters! JS_focus=Out of focus! JS_Shareblanktest=You cannot leave this field blank! JS_basiconfig1=This field allows you to enable or disable Download Master. JS_basiconfig3=This field allows you to share downloaded materials to Internet users. JS_basiconfig8=This field allows you to enable or disable UPnP. JS_storageMLU=It is the maximum number of concurrent connections for the Network Neighborhood or FTP Server. Some FTP clients may establish more than one connection. Setting this number too low leads to failed logon. JS_badconnection=The connection to ZVMODELVZ has failed. Click [OK] to send request or [Cancel] to stop. CTL_ok=OK CTL_modify=Modify IPConnection_VSList_title=Manual Port Forwarding List IPConnection_VSList_groupitemdesc=Famous Server List: IPConnection_VSList_gameitemdesc=Famous Game List: Select_menu_default=Please select IPConnection_VSList_Norule=No data in table. FirewallConfig_LWFilterList_groupitemdesc=Network Services Filter Table FirewallConfig_UrlList_groupitemdesc=URL Filter List: RouterConfig_GWStatic_groupitemdesc=Static Route List WLANConfig11b_RBRList_groupitemdesc=List of Remote WDS Peers: FirewallConfig_LWFilterList_widzarddesc=Well Known Applications: LANHostConfig_x_DDNSServer_linkname=DDNS link SAVE_note=Note: It takes about 30 seconds. IPConnection_VServerPNo_itemname=Proto No. LANHostConfig_ManualARP_itemname=Enable Static ARP Binds? LANHostConfig_ManualDHCPEnable_itemname=Enable Manual Assignment? LANHostConfig_ManualDHCPEnable_itemdesc=Tick No to allow the DHCP Server to assign IP Addresses to LAN Clients manually. LANHostConfig_ManualDHCPList_groupitemdesc=Manually Assigned IP around the DHCP List LANHostConfig_ManualIP_itemname=IP Address LANHostConfig_ManualMac_itemname=MAC Address LANHostConfig_ManualName_itemname=Host Name WLANConfig11b_WPAType_itemname=WPA Encryption: WLANConfig11b_WPAType_itemdesc=Enable WPA Encyption to encrypt data. WLANConfig11b_x_IsolateAP_itemname=Set AP Clients Isolated? WLANConfig11b_x_IsolateAP_itemdesc=Select [Yes] to allow off the connection among the wireless mobile clients. LANHostConfig_x_NTPServer1_itemname=NTP Server RouterConfig_GWStaticMT_itemname=Metric RouterConfig_GWStaticIF_itemname=Interface LANHostConfig_x_NTPServer1_linkname=Find NTP t2FilterBasic=Basic Config FirewallConfig_display2_sectiondesc=Enabling Firewall (SPI Firewall) provides basic protection for ZVMODELVZ and devices behind it. If you want to filter out specified packets, please use WAN vs. LAN filter. FirewallConfig_LanWanFirewallEnable_itemname=Enable Network Services Filter? FirewallConfig_LanWanFirewallEnable_itemdesc=Select [Yes] to enable filter that specify IP or port for control outgoing packets. FirewallConfig_FirewallEnable_itemname=Enable Firewall? FirewallConfig_FirewallEnable_itemdesc=If you disable the Firewall function, we will disable related function below. For example, disable Web Access from WAN. FirewallConfig_DoSEnable_itemname=Enable DoS Attacks Protection? FirewallConfig_x_WanWebEnable_itemname=Enable Web Access from WAN? FirewallConfig_x_WanWebEnable_itemdesc=This feature allows you to config ZVMODELVZ from the Internet. If you are under Home Gateway mode, please access ZVMODELVZ with 8080 port (i.e. http://Your WAN IP:8080). FirewallConfig_x_WanWebPort_itemname=Port of Web Access from WAN: FirewallConfig_x_WanWebPort_itemdesc=To specify the port used to config ZVMODELVZ from the Internet. The default port is 8080. FirewallConfig_x_WanLPREnable_itemname=Respond LPR Request from WAN? FirewallConfig_x_WanLPREnable_itemdesc=Allows ZVMODELVZ to respond LPR request from WAN. FirewallConfig_x_NatLogEnable_itemname=Enable Log for Access from WAN? FirewallConfig_x_NatLogEnable_itemdesc=This feature allows you to record all network access initiated from the Internet. FirewallConfig_WanLanLog_itemname=Logged Packets Type: FirewallConfig_WanLanLog_itemdesc=This field indicates the kind of packets logged between LAN and WAN. FirewallConfig_x_WanPingEnable_itemname=Respond Ping Request from WAN? FirewallConfig_x_WanPingEnable_itemdesc=This feature allows you to respond to ping and trace requests from WAN. WLANConfig11b_display5_sectiondesc=Wireless Professional Setting allows you to set up additional parameters for wireless. But default values are recommended. IPConnection_BattleNet_sectionname=Special Applications IPConnection_BattleNet_sectiondesc=Some applications require special handler against NAT. These special handlers are disabled in default. IPConnection_BattleNet_itemname=Starcraft (Battle.Net): IPConnection_BattleNet_itemdesc=Selecting [Yes] allows multiple players in the LAN to play Starcraft at the same time. t1Logout=Logout JS_logout=Are you sure you want to logout? Not_authpage_re_login=Login again BOP_isp_heart_item=Heart-Beat or PPTP/L2TP Server (VPN): BOP_isp_heart_desc=Please enter the server name or server IP of the VPN Server. t2MACFilter=MAC Filter FirewallConfig_display5_sectiondesc=MAC filter allows you to block packets from devices with specified MAC Address in your LAN and wireless LAN. FirewallConfig_MFMethod_itemname=MAC Filter Mode: FirewallConfig_MFMethod_itemdesc=In Accept Mode, ZVMODELVZ only accept clients with MAC Address in the list. In Reject Mode, ZVMODELVZ will reject clients with MAC Address in the list. FirewallConfig_MFMethod_item1=Accept FirewallConfig_MFMethod_item2=Reject FirewallConfig_MFhwaddr_itemname=MAC Address: FirewallConfig_MFList_groupitemname=MAC Filter List: FirewallConfig_MFList_accept_hint1=There is at least one accept address in MAC filter list.\n Do you want to add this login client MAC? t1QOS=Bandwidth Management t2QOS=Basic Config IPConnection_VServerSrcIP_itemname=Source IP IPConnection_VServerLPort_itemname=Local Port WLANConfig11b_x_WMM_itemname=Enable WMM? WLANConfig11b_x_WMM_itemdesc=Enable WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia) to improve user experience of multimedia applications on your wireless network. WLANConfig11b_x_NOACK_itemname=Enable WMM No-Acknowledgement? WLANConfig11b_x_NOACK_itemdesc=[No-Acknowledgement] is the acknowledge policy at MAC Level. When enabled, it results in more efficient throughput but higher error rates in a noisy Radio Frequency (RF) environment. JS_FirmUpgrade=It takes about 2-3 minutes to upgrade the firmware. Please do not press [Upload] twice. t2Guest=Guest Account JS_validusername= You cannot use Guest as a user name! JS_validusernamea= You cannot use Anonymous as a user name! JS_validusernameb= You cannot use FTP as a user name! BM_alert_sername=You must key in a Service Name! BM_alert_Name1=Service Name BM_alert_Name2=is duplicated, please set another name. BM_alert_IP1=Address BM_alert_IP2=is invalid IP Address. BM_alert_port1=Please enter a value between BM_alert_to=to BM_alert_port2=is not a number! Please enter a value between BM_alert_Add1=The User Specify Rule Lists are full! BM_alert_port3=Please enter a value between 1 to 65535. BM_alert_length=The combination of [Source IP Address] and [Destination Port] is duplicated! BM_alert_prio1=The priority BM_title_User=Bandwidth Management - User Specify Service BM_status=Bandwidth Status BM_measured_uplink_speed=Measured Uplink Speed: BM_measured_uplink_speed_desc=This is a measured uplink speed when the WAN connection was built. It may be lower than the ideal value from ISP. BM_manual_uplink_speed=Manual Uplink Speed: BM_manual_uplink_speed_desc=If the measured uplink speed is incorrect, you can assign it manually here. BM_UserList_title=User Specify Rule List BM_user_desc=ZVMODELVZ provide high, normal and low priority for using the Internet. For example: You can set user with IP: have the high priority in 21 port and named it FTP service. BM_UserList1=Service Name BM_UserList2=Source IP Address BM_UserList3=Destination Port BM_UserList4=Priority BM_FTP_desc=The [FTP Server] mode was enabled! You can use the scroll bar to reserve more upload bandwidth for ZVMODELVZ FTP Server service. If you set [0%], it means that FTP Server has only high priority but no reserved bandwidth. BM_rbw=Reserved Bandwidth: BM_pkt_flg=Long Packet Fragmentation BM_small=Small BM_large=Large BM_pkt_size=Packet Size: BM_note=Note: BM_note1=The smaller packet size, the lower the network latency. BM_note2=Some applications such as VPN tend to not like their packets being messed with. BM_note3=If Xbox Live cannot get connection to the remote servers, please disable this function. BM_desc0=Click the Internet Application and make the application remain the high priority even the network is busy. BM_desc1=Under Gaming Blaster, ZVMODELVZ handles gaming traffic at first priority. You can then enjoy latency-free gaming experiences! BM_desc2=E-mail, web browsing and other Internet applications are handled at first priority. BM_desc3=The speed of download/upload to FTP server is faster. Otherwise, you can resolve more bandwidth for this service at [User Specify Service] page. BM_desc4=ZVMODELVZ manages all the audio/video traffic. No more latency when talking over IP phone or watching online video. When you choose this and under P2P case, the bandwidth of P2P will limit to 10%. BM_hint=Your uplink speed has reached ideal value. We suggest you need not enable EzQoS for saving system resource. BM_GB=Gaming Blaster BM_IA=Internet Application BM_FTPS=FTP BM_VVS=VoIP and Video Streaming BM_NoChange=Please select the applications that match your situation. t2QOS2=User Specified Services ShareNode_FTPLANG_itemname=Language on FTP Server ShareNode_FTPLANG_optionname1=Autodetect ShareNode_FTPLANG_optionname2=Traditional Chinese ShareNode_FTPLANG_optionname3=Simplified Chinese LANHostConfig_x_WCNEnable_itemname=Enable WCN-UFD? LANHostConfig_x_WCNEnable_itemdesc=If you enable WCN-UFD, your ZVMODELVZ reads the wireless configuration file from the USB flash drive and writes the device configuration file to the USB flash drive. LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_1=DDNS Server does not respond. Please try again. LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_2=Request error! Please try again. LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_3=Registration is successful. LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_4=Registered the original hostname successfully. LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_5=Registered the new hostname successfully. LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_6=The IP and hostname are not registered, please register first. LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_7=The host name cannot accept number prefix and [.] (such as [123abc] or [aaa.bbb]) LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_8=Invalid Domain! The format should be [xxx.asuscomm.com]. LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_9=Invalid IP Address! LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_10=Unauthorized registration request! LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_11=Client error: Proxy authentication required! LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_12=DDNS Server does not response. LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_13=Invalid characters of domain name. LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_14=Hostname cannot be blank. LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_hostname=The domain name LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_registered=is registered. LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_registered_2=is already registered. LANHostConfig_x_DDNSHostNames_Note=The format should be [xxx.asuscomm.com], where [xxx] is your hostname. LANHostConfig_x_DDNSHostnameCheck_buttonname=Register HSDPAConfig_Country_itemname=Location HSDPAConfig_ISP_itemname=ISP HSDPAConfig_Username_itemname=Username HSDPAConfig_Password_itemname=Password HSDPAConfig_DialNum_itemname=Dial Number HSDPAConfig_isp_itemdesc=Please select your Internet Service Provider (ISP). HSDPAConfig_country_itemdesc=Please select your Internet Service Provider location. HSDPAConfig_dialnum_itemdesc=Please enter your dial number. HSDPAConfig_username_itemdesc=Please enter your username. HSDPAConfig_password_itemdesc=Please enter your password. HSDPAConfig_usbadaptor_itemdesc=Please select your usb adaptor. HSDPAConfig_safely_remove=Safely remove USB Modem LANHostConfig_IPRouters_itemdesc=The LAN IP Address of ZVMODELVZ. The default value is HSDPAConfig_hsdpa_mode_itemdesc=Select the type of USB Modem for your requirements. To disconnect USB Modem, please go to Network Map and click [Remove]. Not_authpage_login_again=If you want to login again, please close this window first. GO_HSDPA_SETTING=Go to USB Modem Setting GO_2G=Go to 2.4GHz Setting GO_5G=Go to 5GHz Setting ChooseFile=Choose file Settings=Settings ConClients=Connected Clients IPLocal=IP (local) IPRemote=IP (remote) Login=Login